Monday, November 7, 2016

#DOW #EQUITIES in Triple Digit Gains

Followed by #USD INDEX #SP500

 A clear calculated assumption that the selloff caused by a tight political race and uncertainty  which we previously considered as a market disruption have proven to be true in some manner. As Asian market have taken the lead for an equities recovery also have taken shaped well into the US market.

Having said that, secular forces may have taken advantage of the market selloff to shake-out main street market investors to the side-line when it took 9 consecutive declines to push the issue. Coupled with an excellent opening strategy in  GLOBEX Futures / Options trading reflected the strength of equities into the main US session with the #SP500 & #DOW futures in triple digit gains. This would only discourage most investors a re-entry at the higher levels as well. Let alone the USD Index - DXY have been trading @97.78 as of post writing.

The advantage of knowing where to trade, may not work for other Asian main street investors as they may not have the eligibility to do so.  With a few qualified ones who has the appropriate funds and the sophistication of trading globally. While other traders may simply have some limitations to the lack of trading experience is another factor. However, the importance of gaining access level and using these other market exchanges should also be encourage as a strategy while opening new windows of market opportunity is greater. Finding the right resource information and guidance will go a long way with a professional / independent mentor. 

On Cloud Chart Update



USD Index - DXY


  1. ONLY AFTER ...

    A Consolidation, a Selloff and NOW back to the main TREND DIRECTION. MARKET call OCT 26 and finally the PRICE ACTION when least expected. Where secular forces may have taken advantage of the market selloff to shake-out main street market investors to the side-line.

  2. We can't emphasize more that the Futures market plays a very important role for investors who can differentiate the significance of GLOBEX trading for Equities and the USD Index.

  3. The versatility to trade and access relative markets can define the caliber of trading skills with the ability to preserve wealth while building equity on top of capital investment is what matters the most for investors. In other words, 'The Return on Investment Capital' - ROIC

  4. A Reversal of Fortune with a TRUMP Presidency. Market reacts as follows:

    Ripple Effects on the Decline in Stock Futures:

    Stock Futures
    12:01 AM ET 11/09/16


    E-Mini Dow 17858 -427 -2.34%

    E-Mini SP500 2078.50 -57.00 -2.67%

    E-Mini Nasdaq 100 4651.25 -151.00 -3.14%

    Nk225 Futures 16605 -705 -4.07%
