Monday, May 20, 2013

Reconcile: DXY vs. DX-FXCM

As a matter of due diligence, we have decided to reconcile the DX-FXCM price chart and its significance in market analysis which we have identified has distinct markings of trend price signals that may be quite useful. Especially for those who trades the US dollar Index on the FXCM platform with relative comparison in our most recent article on the USDx- traded in the Inter-Continental Exchange and the New York Board of Trade respectively.
Spot and Futures do have a direct & indirect relationship when trading the currency market. However, at this point we would like to show the relative distinction simply based on the current chart below; where we find the similar trading pattern of the USD opening higher from their previous daily closing prices that likewise have directed the price trend of its directional move higher. Please review candlestick bar chart paying attention to the daily opening prices which have been extended higher. Although, the current opening in the European market have been quite cautiously making some daily corrective moves lower.

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